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Nylon Doll Hair
Nylon Doll Hair looks beautiful, it feels beautiful, and it's one of the the easiest to style. It is extremely strong, and it's less prone to breaking than the other kinds of hair. It takes a curl very easily, and can just as easily be straightened again, if need be. It can be boil permed, but it doesn't have to be! Wet it with room temperature water, set it in curlers, let it air dry, take the curlers out, and you've got beautiful curls or waves! If you want really tight curls, a boil perm will never hurt, as long as you don't boil youir water at too hot of a temperature. Nylon and Polypropylene can only withstand mildly simmering water, so when you see the air bubbles just beginning to rise to the water's surface in your pot, that's the temperature at which you should perm Nylon and Polypropylene. Any hotter than that, and the hair could frizz. Nylon can also be baked without having its integrity affected!
Hair Care
- Nylon can be curled in room temperature water. Simply wet, set in curlers, and let dry!
- Boil perm for tighter curls
- Boil washing nylon helps achieve a softer, smoother texture
- Only use mildly simmering water for boil washing or perming as using too hot water which can cause frizz
- Nylon can be dyed with synthetic fabric dye or acrylic paint!
Hair Size Guide
click here for the complete Hair Size Guide
We offer full length (38 inches) and pre-cut hanks of hair to suit all your customizing needs!
"Length on doll" or finished length, is determined assuming that you are going to use one of the rerooting kits sold on this site.
If you’re making wigs, you can use this guide to figure out how much hair you’ll need—just follow the same principles for head size and desired finished length.
Note: The hair rooted on the top of the head will be shorter than the hair rooted at the nape of the neck. The length on the doll is the AVERAGE length. If you plan on cutting the hair all one length, plan on cutting it approximately 1/2 inch shorter than the "length on doll".
Color Matching
If you need help matching a color, please email us a well-lit photo of the hair you would like us to match.
More Nylon Hair Colors

Nylon Hair for My Little Pony
Need Nylon Doll Hair for your My Little Pony? Browse through our color matches for vintage My Little Pony hair or use the search bar above to find matches for a specific pony, generation, collection or year.